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CPG companies are missing the mark in Africa

Africa is under-comoditized

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of attending AdWeek EU in London during a rare sunny week in April. Being a university student, I had wide open eyes and ears for this experience. I took tons of notes, but one individual stood out more than the others. Sure I may have been lucky to have met and talked to Maurice Levy, CEO of Publicis Groupe, but he wasn’t the one who inspired this post. I was fortunate to sit in on a session called the “Megatrends of Advertising”, keynoted by Leo Johnson from PwC.

The sad reality is that our capitalistic advertising culture found in developed economies can no longer support itself.

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Top 5 Online Marketing Campaigns of 2013

Top 5 Online Marketing Campaigns of 2013

#5 Photoshop Live – Street Retouch Prank (Adobe):

Pedestrians waiting for a bus were treated to a live personal Photoshop session that had them baffled. The usual bus shelter’s ad poster was replaced with an LED screen and a camera linked to a nearby van where a team of graphic designers and photo editors were seated inside manipulating the pedestrian’s photos as they waited for the bus. This definitely showed off Adobe Photoshop’s tools in a fun way, and the video went viral within minutes.

See the next 4 campaigns...

5 ways LinkedIn will rule the world

LinkedIn Special Events Photo

The LinkedIn brand is growing, as it is secretly redefining professional connection, creating next-gen marketing tools, and attracting a younger generation of users.

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Heineken plays (and fails) at Departure Roulette

Heineken has released a new series of television spots targeting the adventurous. However, there is one television spot, although creative, that that falls outside of their brand. Their Departure Roulette ad shows an electronic board being set up in an airport terminal, with a large red button beside a row of letters that will continue to flip until your destination city is chosen. Above this, the text “Drop everything. Push button. Commit to [City Name]:” is displayed.

But here’s the problem,

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Update: Visa’s #smallenfreuden campaign, was it a success?

What started off as a viral cryptic marketing campaign from BBDO Canada, has now developed into a feel-good campaign of high-fives and smiles, sent your way whenever you made a small purchase with your Visa card and shared the news on Twitter.

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Copyright 2013 Michael Cacho / Posted media is the respective Copyright of the brands referred to herein.