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CPG companies are missing the mark in Africa

Africa is under-comoditized

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of attending AdWeek EU in London during a rare sunny week in April. Being a university student, I had wide open eyes and ears for this experience. I took tons of notes, but one individual stood out more than the others. Sure I may have been lucky to have met and talked to Maurice Levy, CEO of Publicis Groupe, but he wasn’t the one who inspired this post. I was fortunate to sit in on a session called the “Megatrends of Advertising”, keynoted by Leo Johnson from PwC.

The sad reality is that our capitalistic advertising culture found in developed economies can no longer support itself.

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Two months later, has Netflix managed to seduce the French?

French Man with Baguette Biking By Netflix Logo

As a Canadian, I still remembered the fanfare that Netflix got when it entered Canada. But to this date, the available selection still isn’t the same as the American offering, for obvious licensing reasons.

Find out what is happening in France...

Michael Cacho’s TEDx Talk, Brands Beyond Different

My TEDx Talk, from this past March’s TEDxCarletonU event is now online. My talk explores the world’s most powerful brands and how each brand goes beyond being different, by connection and cultivation. You can follow me on Twitter at @michaelcacho.

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