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3 Ways to Sell the 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup

2014 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup Logo

I was recently challenged on Twitter by Ingrid Green (@Ingridium) to come up with a plan to market the 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup. Ingrid Green is an avid supporter of women’s soccer in Canada, and is someone who you should all follow in the lead-up of to both the 2014 U-20 and 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup tournaments.

FIFA U-20 what? Yup, that’s the problem. Canada is playing host to a world-class soccer tournament next year, in preparation for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, which we are also a host to. The problem is that word of the U-20 tournament is a rare find. Here’s how they can fix that:

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